Thursday, March 7, 2013

"Failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning. It takes great delight in tripping one when success is almost with reach." Napoleon Hill

As this quotes says, "Failure is a trickster” and it will work on your gremlins to convince you that you will not succeed.   You are the creator of your destiny so be in full control of your life.  Lots of people may well come along and tell you to give up.   Listen to your heart and follow your gut reaction.

Believe that what you are trying to achieve has arrived right now!   And it will. I almost gave up in building up my home business a couple of years ago.  But as I look back today I can see that my belief and persistence paid off.  My dream was to be able to support myself from my home base business.  It pays more than enough and the income is growing.  Along my journey I have joined a “mastermind group”.  This group is small but it is made up of like-minded people who encourage and offer support.   I have met some wonderful people and learnt many things that brought me to where I am now. I suggest you read the book that Napoleon Hill wrote, "Think & Grow Rich”, in it there is a story where a Mr. Darby was almost three feet from gold but gave up. He was so close to success of being rich.  Before success comes in any one's life we are sure to meet defeat, and perhaps some failure. When defeat takes over a person, the easiest thing to do is to quit. Research has shown that those who the "stick-a-bility" factor always achieve success.

I am a great believer and follower of the Law of Attraction and its through faith and persistence that success comes.   Work on your self development, join a group of like minded people and study the Law of Attraction, read such books as "Think & Grow Rich", go to listen to inspiration people and hold onto your dreams and you will never look back.

Paul Waters,
Inspirational Writer.     

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