Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Don't Let Worry Cloud Your Thinking

We can all worry about things that are concerning us from time to time. It might be about concerning the progress we're not making at work, school or in business. We can do two things either worry or constructively try to sort out why progress is not happening. Do not let worry cloud you're thinking.
Worry is a negative emotion. Once it sets in our brains it prevents us from making clear decisions. Worry cripples, it holds people back. Because whenever they need to decide, they procrastinate. Procrastination means slow decisions. It has been found that people who make quick decisions are successful. People who make slow decisions always miss opportunities. Because worry causes low esteem and people lose faith and can only see the negative side of a situation.
Once a negative mindset sets in it works on our imagination. Our imagination is something which visualises what we are thinking about and so if for e.g. we worry that we are going to fail our minds will visualize failure. Once minds get tired or overburden with worry the mind ceases to think and plan clearly.
Napoleon Hill who wrote the book "Think & Grow Rich" says a lot how we can use our minds to overcome worry and to be successful. He once said, "There is more gold in a person’s mind than a gold mine. So, he concluded that the mind is your greatest asset.
The more negative our minds are clouded with worry the more we will attract negative results. If we think clearly and are positive we will attract positive results. So, we can do two things worry and get nowhere, or be positive. Clear thinking is key. What we need to do is to program our minds to work on self- development. What is the alternative? There is none, unless you want to stay a prisoner being negative. Break free from your prison by changing your attitude and be positive.
From my own experience working on my self-development, was the key to my success. There is lots of self-development training available. The key to success lies within each one of us. We have the capabilities that can be developed. What is needed is to be in a community of people who can offer training and regular support so that one can grow in confidence. As faith in self develops and new skills are learnt you will move forward into an exciting new world. A world where you and not worry controls your thinking.

The key to my success has been through the self-development of my mindset. As self-development grow the first obstacle in my path was to eliminate worry. Worry can paralyze progress of moving forward in work, school or business. I left the corporate world of work a few years ago as my home base business opportunity could provide my wife Samantha and my income. To begin with I was out of my comfort zone, but as my self-confidence grew so did my online business success. So, I never let worry cloud my thinking as I have found through the Law of Attraction, thought with a strong desire (emotion) helps one achieve their goal. I now have a growing guaranteed weekly income and the freedom to be in full control of my life. I got this by visiting this site where one can purchase a mindset programme to enable on to improve a more positive mindset. Please visit that site on   

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